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    地毯纺织作为中国的一项传统的手工工艺,其历史可追逆到远古时期,在十七、十八世纪的明末清初,中国手工地毯制造工艺达到了前所未有的高度。消费多在皇宫贵族,手工真丝地毯之的以闻名遐迩,成为传世珍品,是因为其工艺独特、做工精细、图案精美,是一种完全由手工编织的传统工艺品。手工真丝地毯的原材料来自天然纤维,也就是真丝(真丝取于真茧)它的手感好,有光泽,适合织制高密度,细花纹的高档毯;它的图案可能是一段神奇历史,它的织法可能含有独特的创新,有许多家庭都将地毯作为自已“传家宝”一代代传下去,现在人们已经越来越注重工艺品背后所蕴藏的文化内涵及其收藏价值。真丝地毯正是一种这样的工艺品。它或使你的居工彰显中国式尊贵,或使你的居室弥漫着一种异域的气氛,再现璀璨的中华文明。 欢迎广大客商选购现货或订做工不同图案、不同规格的手工毯! 


   China's textile and carpet as a traditional manual process, the inverse of its history can be traced to ancient times, in the seventeenth, eighteenth-century Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Chinese handmade carpet manufacturing process has reached an unprecedented height. Spending more in the palace nobility, handmade silk carpets of the order known as handed down treasures, because of its unique technology, fine craftsmanship, exquisite design, is a completely hand-woven traditional crafts.Handmade silk carpets from natural fiber material, which is silk (silk cocoon to take on the real) it feels good, shiny, high-density system for weaving, fine patterns of high-grade carpet; its pattern may be a magical history, it the weave may contain unique and innovative, many families will be carpet as their own "family heirloom" handed down from generation to generation, is now increasingly focusing on crafts people have hidden behind the culture and its value to the collection. Silk carpet is one such craft. It makes your home or work highlight distinguished Chinese-style, or make your living room filled with an exotic atmosphere, brilliant reproduction of Chinese civilization. Welcome customers to buy stock or set different work patterns, handmade carpets of different sizes! 


